Code of Conduct
- We are strongly committed to economic, environmental and socially sustainable development. We are convinced that meeting the demands of current and future markets and society is a shared interest of all our employees and partners. This means showing responsibility to people involved in the production and delivery of products and services.
- We respect the children’s right to development and education therefore we do not accept child labor.
- We respect cultural differences and do not accept discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, nationality, skincolor, citizenship, disability, family content or sexual orientation. Our employees must not be exposed to any physical punishment, threats to physical or psychological violence, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse at work or in work-related situations.
- We do not allow forced or involuntary labor. This includes forced prison work, forced labor, slavery and other forms of work that go against a person’s will or choice. We do not tolerate a contract that would bind the employee to unreasonable debt.
- We guarantee good and safe working conditions that comply with applicable rules and laws.
- Workers must not be exposed to hazardous work without proper protection. Staff must be provided with personal protective equipment and instructions for their regular use.
- Buildings must comply with applicable laws and regulations, including fire safety and fire alarms, and be provided with proper lighting and ventilation.
- All hazardous materials must be stored in a safe place and in a safe and controlled manner.
- The entire machine park must be properly maintained and protected.
- Keep eating and resting rooms clean and safe.
- There is a reasonable balance between work and rest time for our employees. Remuneration is in accordance with applicable national laws or regulations. Deductions made by a company due to fines or sanctions do not compromise the minimum wage.
- We do not intervene employees right to form or join collectives or to negotiate collectively. We recognize the rights of our employees to choose their desire or unwillingness to join or initiate any organization, including work organizations.
- We always respect their right to privacy when collecting or maintaining personal information about our employees or by monitoring them.
- Environmental considerations are an integral part of our business, so we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes.
- We avoid pollution and strive to reduce material consumption.
- We ensure that chemicals and hazardous materials are handled, stored and disposed of in an environmentally safe manner.
- We ensure that the emissions of volatile organic chemicals, aerosols, corrosive substances, particulates, ozone depleting chemicals, and combustion by-products generated during operation are assessed, monitored, controlled and treated as required by law before emissions are disposed of.
- We ensure that wastewater and solid waste from operations, industrial processes and sanitary facilities is monitored, controlled and treated as required by law before they are disposed of.
- We invest as much recycling and recycling of materials and products as possible.
- We do not accept corruption, bribery or fraud and therefore do not offer or accept any undue payment or benefit in business transactions.