Obviously the quality must be right

SEBAB and GRYTEK, which have now become Harju Elekter, are ISO 9001:2015 certified. Their operations are also linked to TransQ, a supplier registration and qualification system, as well as Sellihca, an industry network and qualification system for the energy sector.

All our employees contribute to the right quality

One of Harju Elekter’s basic principles is never to compromise on quality. Our well documented, established processes are essential factors for achieving the right quality. However, at Harju Elekter we also continuously encourage a “get it right first time” attitude. In other words, quality is more than certified processes.

All production units within Harju Elekter conform to the international quality standard ISO 9001.

Our approach to quality

In our quality work in Sweden we pay close attention to the Harju Elekter group’s quality policy, customer specifications, legislation, regulations and relevant norms. We deliver fault-free systems, products and services on time. All processes are followed up and deviations analysed and corrected. Gathering the facts is of major importance and conclusions are shared with the employees to encourage continuous improvements.

Quality levels are assessed based on operational and financial parameters and the number of deviations from these parameters. All employees should understand how their efforts contribute to and affect quality in their respective departments. It should be possible for every employee to initiate and influence adjustments to the work or the processes to ensure the right quality.

We are striving to become a leader within our business areas and a partner in whom the customer can have full confidence. The foundations of our success are our technical competence, flexibility and short lead times.

Our primary goal is to create value for our stakeholders and give customer satisfaction.

We achieve this by:

  • Supplying products and services which fulfill specified customer and statutory demands
  • Working to meet agreed delivery times and quality requirements
  • Using suppliers with documented qualifications related to the product and the quality required
  • Setting up, measuring and following up meaningful goals for our operations (overall process goals and goals for subphases)
  • Focusing on continuously improving our processes in our integrated management system
  • In cases of errors or deviations, quickly correcting them, learning from them and working preventively
  • Developing our employees to continuously improve their knowledge and capability to perform their tasks
  • Appointing a project manager for every large project who develops a project-oriented quality plan

All our people are dedicated

All personnel within Harju Elekter Sweden are trained for their respective processes. Our entire management system is always easily accessible to our personnel via our Intranet.

Our existence and continued development depend on our employees whose well-being and comradeship foster dedication to the work. Our people have the education, experience, and technical and social skills they need to perform the tasks with which they are entrusted.

For all positions within the company, competence requirements are defined and appropriate training is planned, carried out and documented, then followed up and evaluated.

View our ISO 9001:2015 certificate for Harju Elekter AB here. Sellihca is a supplier registration and accreditation system managed by Achilles. View it here. The Swedish Transport Administration* accreditation system is TransQ. View our certificate here.

* Trafikverket